Monday, February 24, 2020

Research, Evaluation & Policy Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research, Evaluation & Policy Analysis - Essay Example Prior to Ryan's execution the states of New South Wales and Queensland had brought the practice to an end. Walton (2003) indicates that death penalty had been part of the Australian legal system since the settlement by British in the 19th century. Crimes which had the potential of carrying capital punishment included forgery, burglary, stealing of sheep, sexual assault, manslaughter and murder as well as robbery with violence. Other crimes included piracy, treason and arson of naval dockyards. The death sentences were conducted under Aboriginal customary law through sorcery or directly. The victims were denied mortuary rites. The initial executions were conducted when the authorities then in Australia did hanging of mutineers of the Batavia. 12 Since its abolishment, death penalty has been replaced by life imprisonment as the maximum applicable punishment. Is it sufficient for as punishment for such crimes Does it help combat the crimes that were punishable by dearth sentence 13. According to Law Reform Commission of Western Australia (2003), hangings were done at several places including the site of the committed offense. In 1888, the Imperial Convict Establishment at Fremantle used employed for all hangings in the state.

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Analyzing an organization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analyzing an organization - Essay Example The general public expects exceptional services of care and attention from these institutions and it is important for the organization design to be flawless and dependable. There are internal and external factors involved in shaping and organizational size, strategy and effectiveness are very important. There are many internal and external factors on which the organizational design depends on. These various dimensions of the organizational design are presented with their influences. When it comes to the size of an organization, it is greatly affected by the life-cycle of an organization. Since hospitals have complicated procedures to be amalgamated with streamlined operations to ensure maximum success, there are formal structures with employees having definite organizations duties and responsibilities. In a health care system, the tasks are highly specialized with detailed rules and instructions to direct the easiest as well as the most complicated procedures. ... The most important aspect of a health care institution is to provide quality service to its customers which in this case are the patients. The services of a health care organization are highly specialized with almost zero margin of error. Therefore, efficiency and accuracy is the need of such an organization and defines the core belief of such an organization. Therefore, generally hospital and health care organizations have a tall structure with hierarchical relationships take put high responsibilities on the people of the organizational chain. It has been researched and proved that big organizations are mechanical in their operational conductivity and therefore try and achieve maximum efficiency. This works in perfect unison with the needs and requirements of a health care institution (Pfeffer, 1978). Organization life cycle is another important internal factor that dictates the size of an organization. Just like a human being, organizations also have different stages of their life and therefore have different needs. In terms of a hospital, as the hospital becomes bigger, it adds more functions and research departments in itself and therefore becomes bigger and bigger. They amalgamated processes and increase in size. The number of levels within an organization increase as the level of complexity increases of the service or the product that is being provided by the organization. Environment is another important factor dictating the organizational design. There are many external factors that influence a hospital’s development of strategy, its size and processes. The need of its biggest stakeholder, the customer, streamlines the basic work ethic of the organization. The organization strives to provide quality life saving service